
HICX Solutions and Per Angusta announce partnership

Written by Michael Bulman | Feb 25, 2016 5:42:15 PM

HICX Solutions and Per Angusta, two best-of-breed SaaS providers built on the latest technology, have joined forces to propose an alternative to below par monolithic procurement suites.

So what’s different?

Supplier management and sourcing pipeline management are two interrelated sets of activities but often managed by disparate tools and processes which creates information siloes and inefficiencies.

Through this partnership users can now control and automate every lifecycle process from supplier request, onboarding and due diligence, through to master data integration, contract management, supplier assessment, risk, performance, and compliance management, creation of a sourcing pipeline, tracking projects, forecasting and monitoring savings. All supported by deep search and real-time reporting.

As a result, our clients benefit from HICX and Per Angusta individual specialisms, but experience a fully integrated solution to capture 100% of supplier information and track 100% of benefits.

About HICX Solutions
HICX Solutions is revolutionising enterprise software, from the complicated, expensive, in-flexible, and ugly monster it is; to something simple, economical, powerful, and beautiful; starting first with tackling the management of complex supply chains and supplier relationship management problems. HICX SIM platform serves the needs of the world’s largest, and most complex, organizations by significantly reducing costs and risk associated with managing suppliers. If you want to save money, ensure compliance, and mitigate risk contact us via

About Per Angusta
How many Procurement organisations still use Excel to manage their sourcing pipeline and track their savings? Because this process is time-consuming and neither robust nor collaborative we created Per Angusta. Per Angusta helps Procurement teams establish their roadmap, measure their performance and make it visible in the organisation. Easily and in complement to their usual Procurement suite. If you are a mid-to-large organisation, centralised or decentralised and in need of a better way to manage the activity of your buyers, contact us at