
HICX in the Spend Matters Solution Map - SRM & Risk

Written by Michael Bulman | Jun 25, 2018 2:30:08 PM

As we continue to grow we have been spending time with analyst companies such as Gartner and Spend Matters. One of the reasons for doing this is to get their views on the market. It's never easy to get perspective from inside your company. The other is to see how we stack up against our competition.

One way to see this, rather publicly, is to be featured in a solution map or magic quadrant. Although the technical side is always a work in progress as we look to spend more time with the analysts, the human side is far simpler. It is easy to judge how our customers feel about us straight away. Happily, we have ended up leading the way in this regards.

So thanks to all our customers for your feedback. An average of 8/10 is a big plus.

Here is the link to the complete report.